The ability to choose oneself seems to be one of the most important freedoms we can enjoy. In many religions, making a choice is a primary gift from God. Making a choice takes a lot of thinking and often it is required on the fly. Making a proper choice about any issue requires the ability to analyze possible consequences. If we make a decision without recognition of all possible outcomes the outcome may be devastating. The way we come to a decision is different for each one of us. Mental illness can play a major role in how we make choices. Understanding how you come to make choices will help you understand the ways to make changes within yourself making better choices in life. Don't give up on yourself if you have made bad choices in the past. Learn from all your mistakes and move on to another day. Mistakes are the only way we learn, making the right choice at the right time is not easy, and choosing in a split second can be crucial. you are never alone, there are always friends, loved ones, clergy, therapists, counselors, teachers, and so many others. One of the most important choices we can make is to ask others for help. Mankind is a pact animal and we rely on others to help make the tribe as a whole strong. We each have strengths and weaknesses so we must ask for help with those weaknesses we have to survive both mentally and physically. Try to be strong and unafraid to ask for help when needed. It is never a sign of weakness or failure to ask for help. I think it is a sign of strength and tenacity. Peace can be found when choosing to live life and love it with others by our side.